quarta-feira, junho 04, 2008

Today We Are All American

The history is sometimes writes with blood, flooding, earthquakes, storms, crushing, running, goal, gesture, smile, tears, fears and so on (but don' t loose your breath, dear reader). Today, the same history we live every single day is write with ballots, hopes, expectation and dreams coming true. The "Time to Change" is not a simple words pretties collection but the means we are the measure of ours dreams, builders of our own way, drivers of our own journey, pilots of our own plane. Blacks ussualy makes glory in sports, music and some others unqualified domains, but Barack Obama has got the milestone due to be the first Afroamerican to get the nominee...

When he first declared as a runner to the White House, one years ago Edukamedia promptly switch on in due to believe it was the right time to tauch the wounds, to feel the scars, to horn the sleeves discussing and overcoming the eternal race argument. Michael Fulan, an educator legend wrote about Fundamental Change apointed importants issues to reach the landmark in education field. Obama use some issues in his manifesto to give us new ideas, mape new strategies to cope and live in a world devastated for peoples using bad words to promote peace even spreading more angers and blood; using bad arm to improve ours lives condition even damaging our environments, spoiling our hope when hoping is ours only joy.

As we believe in one God, in one church, we must believe in our faith, in our fate to doing and empowering our neibohrings to do the right things. Love to be loved ; trust and be trusted. It is' not Polictics. It is confidence. It is hope. You may say I'm a dreamer as well "I' m not the only one". As you can realise only weakers fears to dream.

Yet Obama is not a USA President but the evidences are strongs he is going to reach the landmark. We should continue to support him, even praying to his guardian angels and struggling for Black Powers. Today I and all of you we feel american.
